Monday, May 21, 2012

A Discovery of Witches (Deborah Harkness)

I enjoy fantasy stories. This one has witches, vampires, and daemons, all together with humans in the present-day world. I was enjoying it until the author tried to explain everything using science, and missed that mark completely. Within the space of a page or two, she said (1) vampires have an extra pair of chromosomes than humans do; (2) when vampires are made, the maker first drains out all the human's blood and then replaces it with the maker's own blood (no explanation as to how the vampire survives this), and the advanced mutations in the vampire's blood triggers a spontaneous mutation in the DNA of every cell in the human's body (and "something similar happens with human blood transfusions), and (3) the secret to this may be in the "junk DNA" in human cells, which "has to be left over from previous selection, or it's waiting to be used in the next evolutionary change." I stopped reading there. Fantasy I have no trouble with, but this level of really bad science is too cringe-worthy.

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